Oracles is a simple entertainment application for Windows Phone. By the date of birth it can to calculate by astrological algorithms the most probable data about your past life. You can learn in what epoch and in what country you were lived in your past life, if you were male or female and what was your profession. In addition, you also learn some details about your current life: your lucky number and signs in several different zodiacs. Information of your past life or current life you can moreover easily share on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, ...).
This applications is on the Windows Phone Store for free download. With the Oracles application you can enrich your knowledge about himself or at least entertain yourself, your friends and family.
Some information about development of The Oracles in Czech language you can found here.
In the application no any personal data are stored or sent anywhere. The application contains an advertisement banner which can refer to the some web.
© Petr Voborník, 2014